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译文:帕金森病的运动疗法 - Exercise for People with Parkinsons Disease

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日期: 2007-04-15 03:33

  Cleveland Clinic 网站上的文章 《Exercise for People with Parkinsons Disease》 介绍了运动疗法帕金森病患者的改善症状态所带来的好处,以及一些锻炼建议。我读了一下,觉得写得很专业中肯,于是全文翻译以下,希望对国内的患者有所帮助。

  原文:Exercise for People with Parkinsons Disease

  作者:The Cleveland Clinic Foundation (http://my.clevelandclinic.org).


  译者:Golden Pig (http://www.parkinsonism.net)




  Exercise benefits both the physical and psychological well-being of people with Parkinson’s disease. Because Parkinson’s disease affects a person’s ability to move, exercise helps to keep muscles strong and to improve flexibility and mobility. Exercise does not stop the disease from progressing; however, it improves balance, helping people overcome gait problems and strengthen the muscles that aid in swallowing and speaking. Also, exercise can prevent some of the secondary long-term complications of Parkinson’s disease such as stiffening of the joints. Patients also receive the emotional satisfaction of feeling they have accomplished something.


  Check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Your doctor might make recommendations about:


  • The types of exercise best suited to you and those that you should avoid
  • 你最适合的运动,以及应该避免的运动。

  • The intensity of the workout (how hard you should be working)
  • 运动的强度(即使你认为非常困难,也应该照做)

  • The duration of your workout and any physical limitations
  • 运动执续时间和体力限制。

  • Referrals to other professionals, such as a physical therapist, who can help you create your own personal exercise program
  • 接受其他专家的建议。例如:物理治疗师可以帮助你创建你的个人锻炼计划。

  The type of exercise that works best for you depends on your symptoms, fitness level, and overall health. Generally, exercises that stretch the limbs thorough the full range of motion are encouraged. For patients whose illness limits their ability to exercise, referral to a physical therapist can help by designing an exercise program that you can do. The final precaution, when you get the OK to begin exercising, is to go slowly.


Tips for exercise:


  • Always warm-up before beginning your exercise routine and cool down at the end.
  • 每次运动之前,一定要进行热身运动;完成日常运动之后,要进行放松和休息。

  • If you plan to work out for 30 minutes, start with 10-minute sessions and work your way up.
  • 如果你计划锻炼 30 分钟,那么在 10 分钟的时候,应该检查一下自己的状态,确认能否继续。

  • Exercise your facial muscles, jaw, and voice when possible:
  • 在尽可能的情况下,锻炼你的下巴、面部肌肉和说话能力。

    1. Sing or read aloud, exaggerating your lip movements.
    2. 大声唱歌或朗读,使嘴唇做夸大的运动。

    3. Make faces in the mirror.
    4. 对着镜子做鬼脸。

    5. Chew food vigorously, avoid swallowing large pieces. Instead, chew each piece for at least 20 seconds.
    6. 用力咀嚼食物,避免直接吞咽大块食物。每块食物至少要咀嚼 20 秒以上。

  • Try water exercise, such as aqua aerobics. These are often easier on the joints and require less balance.
  • 试试水中有氧运动。例如水中健美。这些能改善关节的平衡性。

  • Work out in a safe environment. Avoid slippery floors, poor lighting, throw rugs, and other potential dangers.
  • 在安全的环境下进行锻炼。避免湿滑的地板、昏暗的光线、易摔的地毯以及其他潜在的危险。

  • If you have difficulty balancing, exercise within reach of a grab bar or rail. If you have trouble standing or getting up, try exercising in bed rather than on the floor or an exercise mat.
  • 如果你平衡能力差,运动时记得抓住扶手。如果你站立困难或无法起床,可以试着在床上运动,不要在地板或地垫上锻炼。

  • If at any time you feel sick or you begin to hurt, STOP.
  • 锻炼过程中,一旦感觉到不适或伤痛,立即停止。

  • Most of all, select a hobby or activity you enjoy and will keep doing.
  • 最重要的是,选择一种你感兴趣的方式,并且,坚持下去。

  • Some suggestions include:
  • 一些建议:

    1. Gardening
    2. 园艺

    3. Walking
    4. 散步

    5. Swimming
    6. 游泳

    7. Water Aerobics
    8. 水中有氧运动

    9. Yoga
    10. 瑜伽

    11. Tai Chi
    12. 太极

文章翻译:Golden Pig

  这是我第一次直接翻译有关帕金森的英文文章( http://www.parkinsonism.net/news/1/298.html )。如果对各位有益处,我以后将继续。:-) 欢迎点此讨论有关运动疗法以及针对本文发表你的意见


  • 帕金森 parkinsonism 预防与控制: 运动让你更年轻
  • 我们判断一个人的年龄,方式之一就是看他/她走路时身体的灵活度有多大。我们身体的柔韧性是需要锻炼的,锻炼让我们的身体变得灵巧,走起路来仿佛脚下生风。很多舞蹈演员的身材轻盈紧致,体态优美,看上去往往比实际年龄年轻,原因就在于此。

  • 帕金森 parkinsonism 研究动态: 帕金森病的运动疗法
  • 帕金森病的运动疗法德国沃尔法赫的帕金森症专科医院日前表示:运动有助于治疗帕金森症。特别是对年轻的帕金森症患者,有针对性的锻炼疗法与药物疗法同样重要。

  • 中国康复医学杂志2005年20卷1期: 帕金森病的运动疗法
  • 帕金森病(PD)所表现的躯体症状以进行性加重的肌强直、肢体震颤、运动迟缓及协调功能障碍最为显著。当前主要治疗仍是药物替代疗法,但长期用药后常会有症状波动、运动及精神障碍,且随病情进展,药效将逐渐减弱直至完全消失。Gage等曾对25个关于PD患者运动疗法的研究进行回顾性系统分析。表明运动疗法不止在一个方面对PD患者有效。故本文主要对PD运动疗法作一综述。

  • 中国康复医学杂志2008年23卷5期: 帕金森病患者运动功能评定与运动疗法的进展
  • 帕金森病是一种进展性神经系统疾病,临床表现有运动弛缓、震颤、强直、行走障碍、构音障碍、表情障碍、植物神经功能障碍和心理障碍等。治疗方法除药物、手术等治疗外,康复治疗对改善患者功能障碍、提高患者生活质量非常重要。国内外介绍帕金森病康复治疗的文章较多,而专门介绍帕金森病的运动疗法的文章极少。本文从运动疗法的角度,对帕金森病的运动功能评定和治疗进行介绍,使帕金森病的运动疗法更具科学性和实用性。

文章翻译并整理:Golden Pig, 最后修改: 2009-02-16

标签: 帕金森病运动疗法 | 帕金森病原创译文 | 帕金森病康复


第 1 楼  Linda 发表于 2011-06-14 07:58
非常感谢 Golden Pig。你翻译的文章非常好,对我父亲的帕金森康复锻炼非常有帮助。希望你坚持下去,网站越办越好!

第 2 楼  pinger 发表于 2011-07-21 14:23
Golden Pig 译的文章非常好,对我们很有帮助和启发。




Gloden Pig 回复于 2011-07-24 17:36 :
多谢 Pinger 分享的锻炼经验!

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