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日期: 2007-05-05 06:41

  吸烟并不完全没有益处。在过去的三十年间,多项研究证实吸烟能够降低帕金森综合症的发病危险。来自 Washington 大学的Harvey Checkoway 等人的最新研究结果显示:吸烟者发生帕金森综合症的危险性降低50%,目前仍在吸烟者发病危险性比已经戒烟者要低70%。不过,帕金森综合症的发病与喝咖啡、咖啡因摄入和酒精摄入之间没有相关性。但是每天喝两杯茶或可乐将能够降低帕金森综合症。 这篇文章的部分摘录如下:

Parkinson's disease risks associated with cigarette smoking, alcohol use, and caffeine intake

来源:NCBI 引用:http://www.parkinsonism.net/news/1/315.html

  A reduced risk for Parkinson's disease (PD) among cigarette smokers has been observed consistently during the past 30 years. Recent evidence suggests that caffeine may also be protective. Findings are presented regarding associations of PD with smoking, caffeine intake, and alcohol consumption from a case-control study conducted in western Washington State in 1992-2000. Incident PD cases (n = 210) and controls (n = 347), frequency matched on gender and age were identified from enrollees of the Group Health Cooperative health maintenance organization. Exposure data were obtained by in-person questionnaires. Ever having smoked cigarettes was associated with a reduced risk of PD (odds ratio (OR) = 0.5, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.4, 0.8). A stronger relation was found among current smokers (OR = 0.3, 95% CI: 0.1, 0.7) than among ex-smokers (OR = 0.6, 95% CI: 0.4, 0.9), and there was an inverse gradient with pack-years smoked (trend p < 0.001). No associations were detected for coffee consumption or total caffeine intake or for alcohol consumption. However, reduced risks were observed for consumption of 2 cups/day or more of tea (OR = 0.4, 95% CI: 0.2, 0.9) and two or more cola drinks/day (OR = 0.6, 95% CI: 0.3, 1.4). The associations for tea and cola drinks were not confounded by smoking or coffee consumption.

  下面是国内针对 Harvey Checkoway 等人的此项研究成果的有关报道:



  在这项研究,来自Washington大学的Harvey Checkoway等人对210名帕金森综合症患者和310名非帕金森综合症患者进行了饮酒,了解帕金森综合症和吸烟、饮酒和咖啡因摄入之间的关系。研究人员对受试者进行问卷调查,分析结果发现吸烟者发生帕金森综合症的危险性降低50%,目前仍在吸烟者发病危险性比已经戒烟者要低70%。



  • 来自 washington 大学官方网站上有关 PD(Parkinson's disease) 专家 Harvey Checkoway 的资料
  • PD(Parkinson's disease) 专家 Harvey Checkoway http://www.parkinsonism.net/news/1/315.html

    Professor, Env. and Occ. Health Sciences(primary department)

    Professor, Epidemiology

    Director, UW Superfund Basic Research Program Project

    Research Interests

    Harvey Checkoway, PhD is a Professor of Environmental Health and Epidemiology at the University of Washington (UW) School of Public Health & Community Medicine in Seattle, Washington, USA. His main areas of research and teaching are occupational and environmental risk factors for chronic diseases. Examples of research projects for which he is or has been or is principal investigator are studies of: silica, silicosis, and lung cancer among diatomaceous earth industry workers; semen quality among lead smelter workers; environmental and genetic risk factors for Parkinson's disease; parkinsonism in relation to pesticide exposures among orchardists; and cancer risks among women textile workers in Shanghai. During the past 25 years, Dr. Checkoway has taught numerous courses in occupational and environmental epidemiology. He is currently Director of the UW Superfund Basic Research Program Project funded by the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. Dr. Checkoway is lead author of "Research Methods in Occupational Epidemiology, 1st Edition (Oxford University Press, 1989) and 2nd Edition" (2004).

  • 肥胖的不吸烟者容易得帕金森病
  • 根据科学家在今年出版的《美国流行病学杂志》上的研究报告,初步研究结果显示,从不吸烟的肥胖症患者发生帕金森综合症的危险性会升高。

  • 帕金森 parkinsonism 预防与控制: 说说吸烟有什么好处?
  • 吸烟和饮咖啡能预防帕金森病吗?
  • 大多数流行病学的研究结果都显示,不吸烟的人患帕金森病的几率要高于吸烟者。最近有一些研究表明,香烟的烟雾中含有一种萘醌的衍生物,是人体内一种叫做单胺氧化酶的生物酶的抑制剂,和预防帕金森病有关系。

  • 新浪网:茶、咖啡与帕金森病
  • 含有咖啡因的天然饮品绿茶和咖啡,又多了新的用途——预防帕金森氏病。

资料整理:GoldenPig, 最后修改:2007-05-04

标签: 咖啡因 | 吸烟 | 帕金森患病机制 | 帕金森病英文文献 | 酒精


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