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Parkinson`s Disease Foundation (联合国帕金森氏症基金会) Since founding in 1957, PDF has funded almost $70 million worth of scientific research in Parkinson

WPDA (世界帕金森病协会) Based in Via Zuretti 35, Milan, Italy, is hereby formed and will be governed by the following by-laws to be amended as the need may arise.

National Parkinson Foundation (国际帕金森基金会) The National Parkinson Foundation believes that in our battle with Parkinson disease, knowledge is power and hope is everything.

EDPA (欧洲帕金森病联合会) A non-profit making organisation concerned with the health and welfare of people living with Parkinson

Parkinson Society Canada (加拿大帕金森协会) A non- profit, national charitable organization. The Society raises money through corporate sponsorships, public donations, and planned gifts. Finding the cause and cure for Parkinson

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